#PraCegoVer. No canto superior esquerdo tem a logo do site Acessibilidade em foco: Fundo cinza claro; no centro, o desenho de um olho, estilizado. O olho está desenhado com uma linha verde, grossa; a pupila, no centro, é amarela. Abaixo, a palavra Acessibilidade está escrita no centro, em letras maiúsculas, cinzentas e em tamanho grande. Abaixo dela, também no centro, as palavras Em foco, escritas em tamanho menor, na cor verde. Elas estão inclinadas (em itálico). Fim da descrição.

Acessibilidade em Foco

Como baixar o Jaws por linha de comando

Download Main JAWS Installer and Use the /Layout Command Line Option

Instead of downloading the offline installer, which contains all languages and is a large download, you can run the JAWS setup executable with the /Layout command line argument. This command downloads the non-embedded installer files and creates a copy of the setup package in the folder specified. This allows a user to run the setup package and perform an installation or repair on an offline computer. To do this, the setup package and installer files must be in the same folder.

If there are spaces in the path to the folder, the path must be enclosed in quotes.


c:\package.exe /Layout "c:\FS setup\OfflineSetup"

The installer files are downloaded to the c:\FS setup\OfflineSetup folder.

By default, the Layout option downloads the language that matches the operating system language. If you need to install a different JAWS language on a computer, you can use the /Language command line argument in conjunction with /Layout and specify the three letter language code you want to download.


c:\package.exe /Language enu /Layout "c:\FS setup\OfflineSetup"

The installer files for the English version of the product are downloaded to the c:\FS setup\OfflineSetup folder.

The following language codes are supported:

a.. Arabic: arb

b.. Brazilian Portuguese: ptb

c.. Danish: dan d.. Dutch: nld

e.. English: enu

f.. Finnish: fin

g.. French: fra

h.. French Canadian: frc

i.. German: deu

j.. Hebrew: heb

k.. Hungarian: hun

l.. Italian: ita

m.. Norwegian: nor

n.. Russian: rus

o.. Spanish: esn

p.. Swedish: sve

For a full list of

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